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View all Cataract Surgery products »+ Show more
View all Cataract Surgery comparisons »The AcrySof IQ lens (model SN60WF) is a single-piece IOL with proprietary blue light filtering chromophores that filter light in a manner that approximates the crystalline lens in the 400-475 nm blue light wavelength range. The lens is made from a high refractive index soft...
AcrySof (model MN60AC) is a multipiece posterior chamber lens with proprietary blue light filtering chromophores that filter light in a manner that approximates the crystalline lens in the 400-475 nm blue light wavelength range. The lens optic is made from high refractive index...
The AcrySof IOL (model SA60AT) is an ultraviolet-absorbing acrylic foldable single-piece lens. The biconvex optic and supporting haptics consist of a high refractive index soft acrylic material.
The HOYA iSert 251 intraocular lens is a yellow, blue-blocking hydrophobic acrylic IOL that is fully preloaded. The Aspheric Balanced Curve (ABC) was designed to provide a sharp visual image while the square edge of the lens helps to minimize posterior capsule opacification.
The HOYA iSert 250 intraocular lens is a clear, UV-protecting hydrophobic acrylic IOL that is fully preloaded. The Aspheric Balanced Curve (ABC) was designed to provide a sharp visual image while the square edge of the lens helps to minimize posterior capsule opacification.
RayOne Toric (RAO610T) is made from a homogeneous material not associated with glistenings. Closed looped haptic configuration was designed to offer excellent centration with rotational, torsional and directional stability.
Crystalens Advanced Optics (AO) Accommodating IOL
Bausch + Lomb Inc.The Accutome O'Gawa Tying Forceps are designed with curved shafts and a 5.5mm tying platform. The instrument is available with a round, knurled handle and overall length of 108mm.
- Nicholas R., MD, United States
SurgilumASICO's AXsys Toric Marking Device was designed with an electronic head that utilizes visuals and audio to alert you when you are at a 0- and 180-degree plane while making your intraoperative toric marking.
The BVI Next Generation Bonn Forceps are single-use, toothed forceps with tying platforms for handling sutures. They come 10 per box with a round handle.