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View all Diagnostic Instruments comparisons »An affordable, easy-to-use Non-Mydriatic Ophthalmic Camera for capture, review and export of retinal and external images in busy offices and clinics.
The RC-5000 Auto refkeratometer has a short examination time, and has the ability to measure both eyes when only one eye is captured on the display. It also has a power joystick and a power chinrest.
HRT3 is a confocal laser scanning system, designed to capture and analyze three-dimensional images of the posterior segment of the eye. It allows a quantitative assessment of the topography in the structures of the eye, especially of the retinal topography, as well as the precise...
The B-Scan Plus' proprietary software combined with unique probe electronics make it the only portable High Definition B-Scan. While developing the B-Scan Plus software, Accutome visited many of the top facilities around the world. The results are a reliable and easy-to-use...
The IOLMaster 500 has been used with more than 100 million successful IOL power calculations to date and is the only optical biometer that uses an optical configuration that allows telecentric and thus distance-independent keratometry. The IOLMaster 700...
MAIA microperimeter technology combines 3 different techniques in the analysis of the retinal function: a) Retinal Imaging, b) Analysis of retinal sensitivity and c) Analysis of fixation capabilities. MAIA is used as a diagnostic device to aid in the detection and management of...
The ESL-2600 Slit Lamp presents a stereoscopic optical system with a two position lever allowing an easy interchange of magnification levels. The model utilizes a tower illumination system that sits above the observation system, allowing the illumination column to be decoupled in...
Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.The ESL-5200 Slit Lamp presents a stereoscopic optical system by adding fusing images and a focal point. The model brings a two position lever for easy magnification change.
With the ERF-3600, you can measure spherical power ranges from -19.00D to +16.75D in 0.25D steps. By using the unit's auxiliary lens, you can measure -29.00D to +26.75D in 0.12D steps. In addition, both sphere power knobs can be quickly changed in 3.00D steps for added...
Using a series of simple game-like interactions in a Virtual Reality headset, NETRA enables anyone anywhere to collect their own refractive measurements. It's can be used in an office or in the field. Eye care professionals can use the measurements to diagnose and prescribe for...