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View all Dry Eye comparisons »Sensor-controlled delivery of heat and pressure to liquify and evacuate meibomian gland contents
TrueTear is a handheld intranasal tear neurostimulator with disposable tips that is inserted into the nasal cavity and uses micro-electric pulses not powerful enough to cause discomfort to induce the production of tears. Stimulation of cranial nerve VII, which innervates the...
The eyeXpress Eye Hydration System is an FDA cleared therapeutic device for in-office use to relieve symptoms of dry eye and assist in eye hydration. Through the patented goggle system, the hands-free device device provides uniform, constant, regulated, heat to the entire surface...
The MiBoFlo Thermoflo employs a proprietary thermoelectric heat pump designed to liquefy inspissated secretions and improve meibomian glandular function. The device consists of a power console, wired handpiece, and metal eye pad.
The BlephEx is a handheld device that rotates a moistened medical-grade sponge at high speeds to remove excess bacteria, biofilm, and bacterial toxins and unroofs the meibomian glands. The sponge rotates forward and backward at about 2,000 rpm and the device is calibrated to...
BioTears systematically addresses the structure/function cause and effects of dry eyes and is methodically redesigned when sufficient nutrition science dictates. It is made in a NSF, GMP registered facility. The oral gel cap supplements are used for dry eye relief.
- Blake Williamson, MD, MPH, MS; and Bridgette Connorton, OD
TrueTear Intranasal Tear Neurostimulator
AllerganClinically tested, HydroEye provides a balanced mixture of omega fatty acids and nutrient cofactors to support all three levels of tear film production to relieve irritated dry eyes. The supplement also keeps inflammation at bay and maintains corneal smoothness.
- Blake Williamson, MD, MPH, MS; and Bridgette Connorton, OD
iLux MGD Treatment Device
Tear Film Innovations Inc.Odyssey's EXTEND Absorbable Synthetic Implants provide occlusion for up to 3 months for patients experiencing short-term dry eye symptoms.
These ultra-thin, medical-grade silicone collarette plugs are used for punctal occlusion. "Ready-Set" punctum plugs conform to the natural anatomy of the eyelid for maximum patient comfort. For ease of use, these punctal plugs from FCI are pre-loaded on a disposable...