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View all Dry Eye comparisons »Sensor-controlled delivery of heat and pressure to liquify and evacuate meibomian gland contents
- Blake Williamson, MD, MPH, MS; and Bridgette Connorton, OD
TrueTear Intranasal Tear Neurostimulator
AllerganLipiView II Ocular Surface Interferometer measures lipid layer thickness (LLT) with nanometer accuracy, captures blink dynamics, and images meibomian gland structure. The dynamic meibomian imaging (DMI) mode utilizes a combination of dynamic illumination and adaptive...
TearLab Osmolarity System measures the osmolarity of tears using nanoliter (nL) volumes of tear fluid collected directly from the eyelid margin. The system consists of two battery-operated osmolarity test pens, the countertop unit, and a supply of single-use test cards. The...
The BlephEx is a handheld device that rotates a moistened medical-grade sponge at high speeds to remove excess bacteria, biofilm, and bacterial toxins and unroofs the meibomian glands. The sponge rotates forward and backward at about 2,000 rpm and the device is calibrated to...
The iLux is a handheld device that applies heat and compression via a sterile, single-patient use disposable Smart Tip under direct visualization to treat meibomian gland dysfunction. The Smart Tip inner pad slips behind the eyelid being treated, while the outer pad is pressed...
TheraTears Nutrition (Omega-3 Supplement) taken by the mouth, works from the inside to aid dry eye. The Omega-3 oils support healthy tear production that improves eye comfort by keeping the eyes moisturized. TheraTears Nutrition
- Blake Williamson, MD, MPH, MS; and Bridgette Connorton, OD
iLux MGD Treatment Device
Tear Film Innovations Inc.This dietary supplement helps to improve overall eye health and aid dry eye by providing 2-3 grams of Omega-3s in the re-esterified triglyceride form each day. The supplement is safe and natural, and also promotes a healthy heart.
Clinically tested, HydroEye provides a balanced mixture of omega fatty acids and nutrient cofactors to support all three levels of tear film production to relieve irritated dry eyes. The supplement also keeps inflammation at bay and maintains corneal smoothness.
This specialized nutritional formulation helps to protect the optic nerve with a blend of omega fatty acids, antioxidants and other key nutrients. These ingredients work to quench free radicals, block compounds believed to damage nerve cells, support ocular circulation, and...