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- Gregory H. Phan, MD
VisuMax Femtosecond System
Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.EVO+ Visian ICL features an expanded optic of up to 6.1 mm in optic zone diameter designed for patients with larger pupils. The is intended to be placed entirely within the posterior chamber directly behind the iris and in front of the anterior capsule of the crystalline lens to...
EVO+ Toric Visian ICL features an expanded optic of up to 6.1 mm in optic zone diameter designed for patients with larger pupils and astigmatism. The lens is intended to be placed entirely within the posterior chamber directly behind the iris and in front of the anterior capsule...
The Visian ICL (Implantable Collamer Lens, models MICL 12.1, MICL 12.6, MICL 13.2, and MICL 13.7) is intended to be placed entirely within the posterior chamber directly behind the iris and in front of the anterior capsule of the crystalline lens to reduce moderate to high myopia....
Verisyse Phakic IOL is implanted in the anterior chamber and fixed to the iris to provides adult patients with reliable correction for myopia ranging from -5.0 to -20.0 D.
The STAR S4 IR Excimer Laser System is designed to bring Advanced CustomVue laser vision correction to life. Featuring Variable Spot Scanning technology and Variable Repetition Rate pulse-packing algorithm, both proprietary to AMO, it reduces thermal effects on the cornea,...
- Bennett Walton, MD, MBA
RxLAL (Light Adjustable Lens)
RxSightThe IntraLase FS and iFS Laser Systems are ophthalmic surgical lasers indicated for use in patients undergoing surgery or treatment requiring the initial lamellar resection of the cornea, in the creation of a lamellar cut/resection of the cornea for lamellar IntraLase-Enabled...
- wajih A., MD, JO
WaveLight Allegretto Wave Eye-Q Laser
Alcon, a Novartis Division- Bennett Walton, MD, MBA
VisuMax Femtosecond System
Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.The KAMRA corneal inlay provides a long-term solution for presbyopia. The inlay is a microscopically small and thin mini-ring that sits comfortably within the first few layers of the cornea. Utilizing the small aperture design, the inlay focuses light coming into the patient's...
While other systems utilize integrated computer systems for treatment planning, WaveLight Excimer Lasers feature portable notebook computers. This provides you with the freedom of choice where and when to plan your next surgery day—still in your clinic or in a quiet moment...
- Gregory D. Parkhurst, MD, FACS, and Roberto “Bobby” Saenz, OD, MS, FAAO
VisuMax Femtosecond System
Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.The WaveLight EX500 Excimer Laser is the only excimer laser to operate at 500 Hz, with an average treatment time of approximately 1.4 seconds per diopter. The swivel bed is designed to optimize time between the flap creation and laser procedures.