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MacularProtect Complete AREDS2 is a convenient, all-in-one formula providing powerful protection for macular & whole body health. It offers nutrients at levels found to preserve eyesight in the AREDS and AREDS 2 clinical trials, including 10 mg of lutein & over 30 other key...
- Robert R., MD, United States
Lumega-Z Advanced Ocular Health Medical Food
Guardion Health SciencesPASCAL Streamline 577 combines the optimum 577 nm wavelength with a complete and comprehensive scanning laser configuration.
- Eva Liang, MD
Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.The PASCAL Synthesis is a dual-port pattern scanning retinal laser, available in both 532 nm and 577 nm wavelengths. In July of 2018 it was cleared by the FDA for use with Pattern Scanning Laser Trabeculoplasty (PSLT) which provides a rapid, precise, and minimally traumatic...
Lumega-Z is the only vision-specific medical food created to restore and maintain the macular protective pigment. Building on the contents of the AREDS 2 formula, Lumega-Z contains more than 35 micronutrients with potent antioxidant properties, and all three critical carotenoids...
Macular Vitamin Benefits is formulated based on the results of the AREDS2 study, to support eye health with a comprehensive blend of vitamins, antioxidants, and carotenoids. The nutraceutical product includes zinc for healthy eyes, and is third party tested for purity in a...
DiaVis is a specialized formulation that provides nutrition support for those with diabetes. DiaVis delivers nutrients that play a role in normal glucose metabolism, help combat oxidative stress and inflammation, and support visual, nerve and kidney health.
The VISULAS Trion is a high-performance, compact, diode-pumped solid-state laser. Its active thermoelectric cooling ensures reproducible laser performance. The VISULAS Trion is designed for photocoagulation of the retina, trabeculoplasty and iridotomy for treatment of glaucoma....
VersaVIT 2.0 is the market's first simplified, small forms vitrectomy system providing solutions to yield operational efficiency and financial solvency.
VISALIS V500 offers cutting efficiency and improved chamber stability.
- Aaron L., OD, United States
Lumega-Z Advanced Ocular Health Medical Food
Guardion Health SciencesThe Frigitronics CE-2000 is a nonelectric, low-pressure, fully exhausted cryosurgical system that uses nitrous oxide gas. The system destroys tissue by applying extreme, controlled temperature down to a maximum of -89 degrees C.
Integre Pro Scan offers a comprehensive array of patterns and wavelength configurations in order to meet your clinical requirements. The design is an all-in-one laser/slit lamp.
Xenotron III offers maximum brightness and safety in combination with a compact design and easy operation.