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The PM-100 Meter is a digital precision optical instrument used to measure distance between human pupils in the process of optometry for fitting spectacles.
The PM 150 Meter is a digital precision optical instrument used to measure distance between human pupils in the process of optometry for fitting spectacles.
The APT (Patent Pending) is a device which combines the functionality of a pupilometer and an APD tester. Because the APT is able to measure pupils precisely and also perform a battery of APD tests (e.g., direct response, 1 second swing test, and 3 second swing test), it can be used to standardize pupil testing in your practice.
The GR-4 uses an accuracy self-check function to minimize errors, resulting in faster, less variable results. It also features everything you need in one unit—including vertex distance measurement capabilities. The GR-4 has a wide range measurement capabilities, digital read and LED in a device that boasts a sleek, ergonomic design.
The DPM-30 Digital Pupilometer has features that make the product easy to use for Ophthalmologists.
The pre-operative use of the Colvard Pupilometer can help obtain accurate measurement.
The EPD-1800 measures the distance betweeen the visual axis of the two eyes. It has a wide range of measurement capabilities, digital read and LED.
The GR-4C uses direct point sampling to minimize errors. The GR-4C has a wide range of measurement capabilities, digital read and LED.
The EPD-2600 measures the distance between the visual axes of the two eyes. It has a wide range of measurement capabilities, digital read and adjustable LED.
Mechanical operation allows quick, accurate readings via continuous direct measurement. It has binocular & monocular readings with variable distance and automatic shut off. It also has a self-calibration function and a liquid crystal display.
The PD-100 Pupilometer has the latest measurement technology for calculating interpupilary distance and right/left nose-to-pupil distance. It also has automatic shut off for both LCD and the pupilometer to help conserve battery power.
The X81705 has precision measurements with manual control and a digital read-out with measurements +0.5mm. It also has monocular and binocular measurements.