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View all Cataract Surgery products »+ Show more
View all Cataract Surgery comparisons »Zepto, also referred to as “precision pulse capsulotomy," is an automated anterior capsulotomy device consisting of a disposable handpiece and capsulotomy tip powered by a small console. The cutting element is a nitinol ring surrounded by a thin, transparent silicone...
Crystalens Advanced Optics (AO) Accommodating IOL
Bausch + Lomb Inc.The AcrySof IQ lens (model SN60WF) is a single-piece IOL with proprietary blue light filtering chromophores that filter light in a manner that approximates the crystalline lens in the 400-475 nm blue light wavelength range. The lens is made from a high refractive index soft...
The AcrySof IOL (model SA60AT) is an ultraviolet-absorbing acrylic foldable single-piece lens. The biconvex optic and supporting haptics consist of a high refractive index soft acrylic material.
The enVista intraocular lens is a hydrophobic, single-piece ultra-violet absorbing posterior chamber intraocular lens designed to be free of spherical aberration. Glistenings, caused by fluid-filled microvacuoles that can form within an IOL, are abated by hydrating the lens to...
The TECNIS Symfony Toric Extended Range of Vision IOLs (models ZXT150, ZXT225, ZXT300, and ZXT375) are made from an ultraviolet light-absorbing material and is intended to reduce residual refractive astigmatism and mitigate the effects of presbyopia by providing an extended depth...
TECNIS Multifocal IOL +4.0 D (model ZMB00) is optimized for patients favoring near-vision activities like reading and knitting by delivering tailored clarity at a theoretical reading distance of 33 cm. The lenses incorporate a diffractive multifocal optic pattern designed to...
The Centurion Vision System is designed to work with the AutoSert IOL Injector. The AutoSert IOL Injector delivers smooth, consistent IOL delivery without sacrificing wound integrity for optimal surgical control and a wide range of cataract micro surgery advantages.
- Nicholas R., MD, United States
SurgilumenVista Glistening-free IOL
Bausch + Lomb Inc.The BVI Visitec I-Ring Pupil Expander is a single-use iris retraction device for ophthalmic surgery. The I-Ring is designed to safely expand the pupil to increase the surgeon's field of view and improve access to the lens while protecting the iris.