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View all Diagnostic Instruments comparisons »An affordable, easy-to-use Non-Mydriatic Ophthalmic Camera for capture, review and export of retinal and external images in busy offices and clinics.
The KR-8000A has a 70% faster mapping output than previous models. It also features corneal irregularity detection, wider measuring area, and base curvature advice.
CIRRUS photo combines a mydriatic/non-mydriatic fundus camera with CIRRUS HD-OCT technology in one compact and versatile system. Available in two models, CIRRUS photo 600 and CIRRUS photo 800, it provides multiple insights for comprehensive retina and posterior segment care.
PalmScan AP2000 A-Scan and Pachymeter has flexibility to measure in any area of a practice. It has 4 advance formulas, a built-in IOL calculator, and a post refractive keratometry calculator to help surgeons treat their patients.
CIRRUS HD-OCT 500 provides a solution for comprehensive ophthalmic practices and offers essential OCT capabilities with a broad range of clinical applications in an easy-to-learn, easy-to-use instrument for the management of glaucoma and retinal disease, retina assessment for...
The classic slit lamp design of the ESL-1200 provides easy access for thorough eye examinations as well as contact lens fittings. The illumination system sits level with the observation system and a flip lever allows operators to easily change magnification. Easy precision...
This high-tech lensmeter features outstanding functionality, tremendous versatility and speed. Whether you're measuring single vision lenses, sunglasses, progressives or contact lenses.
The ELM-5200 is a high-tech lensmeter that features TFT color touch screen, progressive lens measurement, solar lens measurement with precision, sealed optical system, low astigmatism lens measurement and more.
Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.The recently re-engineered, intuitively designed EDR-7800 lets you take control of the refraction process. You can program your preferences into the EDR-7800 so you or your technicians can reliably perform the refraction steps in a specific order.