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ICAPS Eye Vitamin AREDS Formula contains the exact formulation in the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) sponsored by the National Eye Institute to help support eye health. Specifically, the vitamin helps support eye health in people with intermediate to advanced AMD.
- Robert R., MD, United States
Lumega-Z Advanced Ocular Health Medical Food
Guardion Health SciencesMacularProtect Complete AREDS2 is a convenient, all-in-one formula providing powerful protection for macular & whole body health. It offers nutrients at levels found to preserve eyesight in the AREDS and AREDS 2 clinical trials, including 10 mg of lutein & over 30 other key...
- Eva Liang, MD
Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.Ocuvite Lutein eye vitamins and mineral supplements contain 2 mg of lutein, an important nutrient that supports macular health by helping filter harmful blue light. This product also has antioxidants and nutrients, including vitamin A (beta-carotene), C, E, and zinc which, along...
The IRIDEX OcuLight GLx produces a true, continuous-wave green (532nm) laser light. The design follows the successful OcuLight SL family with easy-to-use, intuitive controls and a stepped casework design that allows cooling in a tight environment.
PASCAL Streamline 577 combines the optimum 577 nm wavelength with a complete and comprehensive scanning laser configuration.
EyeScience Macular Health Formula is an advanced ocular vitamin that reduces the risk of macular degeneration. While preventing and protecting against macular degeneration, the vitamin provides a more complete formula, including 14 different nutrients, all based upon decades of...
Lumega-Z is the only vision-specific medical food created to restore and maintain the macular protective pigment. Building on the contents of the AREDS 2 formula, Lumega-Z contains more than 35 micronutrients with potent antioxidant properties, and all three critical carotenoids...
The VISULAS 532s is designed in particular for retinal photocoagulation, trabeculoplasty and iridotomy for treatment of glaucoma. The VISULAS 532s with the VITE option is primarily useful for multi-spot panretinal and grid photocoagulation.
The VISULAS Trion is a high-performance, compact, diode-pumped solid-state laser. Its active thermoelectric cooling ensures reproducible laser performance. The VISULAS Trion is designed for photocoagulation of the retina, trabeculoplasty and iridotomy for treatment of glaucoma....
- Aaron L., OD, United States
Lumega-Z Advanced Ocular Health Medical Food
Guardion Health SciencesThe Frigitronics CE-2000 is a nonelectric, low-pressure, fully exhausted cryosurgical system that uses nitrous oxide gas. The system destroys tissue by applying extreme, controlled temperature down to a maximum of -89 degrees C.
Associate 6000 Dual allows for flow controlled vitrectomy and vacuum controlled high speed vitrectomy.
Keeler's long tip retinal probe 2.5mm provides easy access to posterior pole areas. For use with the Keeler Cryomatic Cryo-Surgical Unit.
The LIGHTLas 810 is a multi-purpose 810nm diode laser photocoagulator for the treatment of various Retinal and Glaucoma diseases. It's one of the safest and most versatile single frequency lasers due to its unique sp-mode and conventional continuous wavelength modalities.