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View all Technology & Software comparisons »Used for cataract and retina procedures, the OPMI LUMERA 700 and RESCAN 700 has a wide range of customization options. The microscope utilizes the Stereo Coaxial Illumination (SCI) system for red reflex and image quality.
- Larissa Gouvea, MD, and Karolinne Maia Rocha, MD, PhD
ORA System
Alcon, a Novartis DivisionThe VERION Image Guided System is designed to add accuracy and efficiency during surgical planning and execution.
The OPMI LUMERA T Surgical Microscope is equipped with Stereo Coaxial Illumination (SCI) to provide red reflex and detail recognition for cataract/refractive surgeries.
The OPMI LUMERA S7 Surgical Microscope can be suspended using a ceiling mount, or mobile with a floor stand. The microscope utilizes the Stereo Coaxial Illumination (SCI) system for red reflex and image quality.
The OPMI 1 FR PRO Surgical Microscope utilizes LED illumination and is geared toward routine procedures for high patient throughput. It was originally developed for areas of rapid economic development, such as the emerging regions of India and Southeast Asia, where there exists a...
The OPMI LUMERA i Surgical Microscope is equipped with Stereo Coaxial Illumination (SCI) for red reflex used in anterior segment work and providing detail recognition for cataract/refractive surgeries.
- Audrey R. Talley Rostov, MD
ReSure Sealant
Ocular Therapeutix, Inc.Computer assisted cataract surgery with ZEISS CALLISTO eye helps with premium IOL surgery. It aids in meeting patient expectations with assistance functions projected directly in your surgical field. Document and display your results in HD photo and video and manage them in a...
- Farhan A. Irshad, MD
Cassini TechnologiesThe ALLEGRA 90 provides sharp and contrast images at any magnification through tilt and light management, and is recommended for surgical procedures where speed and flexibility are decisive factors, as well as day clinics. A large, 25 mm stereo base provides depth...
Ifa EHR is the world leader in ophthalmic health IT because of our efficient SmartScreen user interface, our connectivity to over 500 different ophthamic instruments, our sub-specialist versions for retina, glaucoma, cornea, pediatrics, refractive and general ophthalmologists, and...
- Farhan A. Irshad, MD
ORA System
Alcon, a Novartis Division