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Surgilum's RoboMarker is the world's first self-leveling corneal marker with pre-inked, sterile, disposable tips and an integrated fixation light. No marking pen needed, no waiting for autoclaves, and no lights or beeps to adjust to level so you can just concentrate on marking.
The RoboMarker is very easy to use in the pre-op area, and once marked, it makes aligning toric IOLs very easy.
Over the years we’ve tried virtually everything out there to identify the axis of astigmatism and nothing has worked as well as the RoboMarker. The RoboMarker is very easy to use and exceptionally accurate. The marks last through the procedure and not only show the planned axis but serve as a great reference point to identify the actual axis of the implanted lens. This is particularly valuable when repositioning a toric lens that may have shifted slightly during viscoelastic removal. Love the product.
I have used multiple types of toric markers but have never been fully satisfied until I tried the RoboMarker over a year ago. Its ease of use and accuracy have won me over. My toric outcomes since switching to the RoboMarker have been outstanding. Almost all of my torics are within 5 degrees of my target axis and most are within 2-3 degrees, which is comparable to outcomes of colleagues who are using much more expensive tools (iris vessel imaging, intraoperative aberrometry, etc.). Not having to mark in the OR saves time, too. I highly recommend the RoboMarker.
The RoboMarker is an advancement in the surgical planning of astigmatism correction. The intelligent balance takes the guesswork out of your alignment, and it's intuitive to use.
RoboMarker’s pre-inked, sterile and disposable tips provide an easy affordable way of marking the axis for your Toric lens implants with 100% accuracy. They give you the confidence that your mark is exactly on-line as well as saving valuable OR time. I would strongly recommend them to anyone offering Toric premium lenses to their patients.
The changing LED light source is engaging for the patient to assist with fixation. The infrared ink is extremely effective for femtosecond laser docking when registration is necessary, while the compact design makes it ideal for the surgeon on the go.
The greatest thing I like about the RoboMarker is its ease of use, and the fact that the marks last for over an hour. It really has improved my outcomes and patient flow.
I was struck by how much quicker and less stressful marking the cornea is with the RoboMarker, eliminating several sources of error in axis determination. The device is ingenious and useful. One thing that impressed me is that it remains necessary to have a back-up manual marking system no matter what high tech/high expense system one uses to mark axes, and the RoboMarker is a head above other systems.
Having marked toric patients at the slit lamp for years, I thought I was doomed to personally make my quickly fading alignment marks forever. With RoboMarker, my surgical staff can quickly and accurately mark my patients while I am in the operating room. When the patient is under the microscope – the alignment marks are always sharp and accurate. My results – they are better than ever!
There is nothing more nerve wracking for a resident then getting through the case and then being uncertain about alignment for the toric. I did torics before we got the RoboMarker and half the time I had to mark a few times because of the clumsiness of the ring and then didn’t know which one was correct! And on top of that I would watch the ink wash away from the axis during the case. Now with the RoboMarker I used just today, I feel confident the placement is spot on due to the ease of using the RoboMarker and it remains throughout the case!
I find the RoboMarker to be very accurate for in-office LRIs -- For example, if the LRI is to be 30 degrees at axis 180, I set the RoboMarker at 15 degrees, mark, and then reset at 165 degrees and place second marks there. Then I can cut my LRIs exactly centered on my axis (180) and to the extent I want. It's a great time saver. I use it in the office, OR, and Lasik Laser suite all the time. It is very accurate.
RoboMarker is the most accurate way to mark for intended toric axis alignment prior to toric IOL and/or astigmatic corneal incision surgery due to its automatic cyclotorsion adjustment.
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Contact the company for additional information, availability, or pricing:
surgilum.com1717 Shipyard Blvd #140
Wilmington, NC 28403
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